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Part 2 Publishing in 2012 Traditional Publishing - Web Content and ...

Traditional Publishing

This is the way publishing has been done for decades. It is the writer - agent - publisher route to having your book printed, bound, and sold. There are many advantages and disadvantages to this way of doing things. Note: many writers do not use an agent.


  • You gain access to a country, or worldwide, marketing and distribution system.
  • Your book can be translated into other languages for you. At no charge to you.
  • Your book can be sold as an eBook. Your publisher will take care of this for you.
  • All distribution, shipping, and returns are taken care of without your involvement. This is a real advantage as it frees you to work on publicity and your next project.
  • You gain access to professional editors and cover designers at no charge to you.
  • You, as an author, get the accolades. Publishing this way is great for your career.
  • You pay no up front fees to the publisher. The publisher pays you.


Traditional hardcover publishing is declining in the face of ePublishing. Take a good look at these numbers.

  • This data is from How Many e-Books (September 2011)
    • An increase of 167% in ebook sales (June 2011).
    • In dollars, $84.9 million for hardcover, and $80.2 million in ebook sales.
    • Trade and mass-market (combined) paperbacks (versus ePublisheing) are still on top with $95.8 million.
    • Trade paperback sales are reported down 64%.
  • You, the author, are at the mercy of what those in publishing think of your book. And what they think is this, "Can we make money publishing this?" If the answer is yes. You're published. If it is anything other than yes, you're not published.
  • You receive checks twice a year, or some other schedule not determined by you.
  • Plan on doing as much speaking, promotion, sending media releases, writing a blog, using Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and any other online and offline activities that you can think of.

You can see for yourself, the numbers for traditional publishing in hardcover are almost parity with eBooks. Should this trend continue, and it is expected to, traditional publishing may very well? decline as the venue of choice for authors, agents, and publishers.We'll have to wait and see.


Source: http://webcontentrx.typepad.com/webcontentrx/2012/02/part-2-publishing-in-2012-traditional-publishing.html

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