সোমবার, ২৬ মার্চ, ২০১২

Brens Road To The Universe ? Pics Taken 11 Weeks Out ...

Hi Everyone,

Got pics done yesterday to see had I made much progress.. little disappointed to be honest. I have posted some below but to see them all so far click here. I think I was expecting miracles to happen overnight for some reason, probably down to excitement and becoming ultra focused. Staying positive and all that I have made some improvements, my legs have improved slightly. My calves have grown but frustratingly still cannot see it much in the pics. I will keep going, I am feeling good and loving the training so far.

A little bit of bodyfat has come in over the past few weeks so I going to bring the carbs down slightly and add increase cardio too. The daily goals are 350 grams protein, 500 grams carbs & 100 grams of fats. I am going to do 8 mins stepper at the start of a workout and 8 afterwards, see how this goes for 2 weeks. I might change it up, incline walk, axe strider etc. Supplements remain pretty much the same too, I am really loving BCAA Punch power, I am taking ZMA each night before bed, my egg protein from ON, Glutamine from Kinetica & Kinetica Multivitamin.

Damn you legs you better start growing for me! It is going to take years to build them but here is what my plan is to try improve them in 11 weeks. I am going to get quads and hams in twice a wk. This would be impossible with work and trying to train other bodyparts so what I am going to do is when training hams do two quads exercises for 3-4 sets afterwards and vice versa when training quads add two ham exercises afterwards.

Last week I made David from transform fitness who told me to try ascending sets to start on leg extensions. They were so tough and I highly recommend you giving them a try. It goes like this:

Moderately light weight x 12 reps, increase weight do 14 reps, increase weight again and try for 16 reps. My legs were burning! I had to do a little rest pause on the last section but the pump I got was unbelievable. I have added walking lunges to my leg workout too, great exercise! Hopefully it will help separate the quads and hams.

I will post up my workouts this week and keep you updated on progress. If anyone has any questions or feedback you can send them through the contact us section on www.FSV.ie

Thats all for now guys, its 4 am and I am going to get myself in for 6 today. I work security too at wkends which upsets my body clock, up till 6 am means I would sleep in late and then have trouble sleeping so every now and again I do an all nighter and get some work done. Its a peaceful time. :)

Yours in Health & Fitness


As always, we at FSV are happy to answer any questions you have. We are also happy to give you advice on what supplements are best to get you results, just give us a call on 01-6708815 or access our article database on our blogwww.VitaminsHealthSupplements.ie.

Yours in Health & Fitness

Brendan & Brian

The above newsletter consists of recommendations and is not meant to constitute medical fact. The statements made have not been evaluated. Seek the advice of a qualified nutritionist before undertaking any change to your diet. Seek the advice of a doctor before undertaking any training regime.

Source: http://www.vitaminshealthsupplements.ie/brens-road-to-the-universe-pics-taken-11-weeks-out.php

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