শনিবার, ৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

What are the Requirements for Becoming a Teacher? | Education ...

Question by TomLover15: What are the Requirements for Becoming a Teacher?
I know it might be a little early for me to be thinking about this, but I like to be prepared! ^_^ So yes, as the question states, I would like to know what the requirements are to become a teacher, preferably a high school teacher! To be more specific, I?d like to be an English teacher? in Japan.

Anyway, at the moment, I?m 15 and I?m in Grade Ten. My average is 83% and all of my classes are Academic, except for math, which is Applied, but even so, I?m still achieving 70%-80% in math! So far my best subjects are English and Religion. Are my grades alright or should I aim higher? I?m also hoping to become the vice-president of a club at my school and I?ve done about 43 hours of community service (I?m hoping to do more). I don?t know if this is needed to become a teacher though?

So to become a teacher, you need to go to teacher?s college, right? Sorry, that?s all I know! Also, I want to be an English teacher in Japan, so if anyone knows anything about that, that would also be a great help!? How would that work out though? Where am I gonna live?! >_

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!! -^-^-

Best answer:

Answer by Dugara
Why be a teacher, you?re in school for your entire life!

What do you think? Answer below!

Source: http://www.qiyic.com/archives/4286

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