শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Secrecy surrounds Ukrainian president's home

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) ? When Ukraine's president opened up his home to TV cameras, he presented a cozy place with a small office just big enough for his grandchildren to play in. But his critics point to strong evidence he actually lives in very different digs: a luxurious, marble-columned mansion with a golf course, a helipad and even an ostrich enclosure.

The reported grandeur is becoming a campaign issue in a country quickly getting fed up with widespread corruption. Critics call Viktor Yanukovych's home an emblem of the secrecy and arrogance that defines his presidency, painting him as a leader who basks in splendor while his main political opponent, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, is locked up in prison on charges the West has called politically motivated.

Yanukovych has refused to answer questions about the house or the vast park where it sits, once darkly suggesting that an investigative journalist back off. An opposition activist looking for answers broke into the property James Bond-style, scaling the walls with a tow rope. She was detained, but still managed to salvage photographs of a golf course and glitzy buildings, describing an opulent palace guarded by heavy security.

Political commentator Vitaly Portnikov, who has compared Yanukovych's government to a "mafia" jeopardizing Ukraine's desire for greater integration with the European Union, cited Yanukovych's clandestine residence as an example of the corruption and lack of transparency unacceptable in the West.

"Viktor Yanukovych's main goal is not to be the president of Ukraine but to be the No. 1 oligarch in Ukraine," said Portnikov. "He fought for power ... specifically in order to consolidate in his hands a huge amount of resources and property, in order to make his family the first family in the country."

The two main opposition parties are likely to gain ground in Sunday's parliamentary election. But with the pro-Western opposition's charismatic leader in jail and a lack of unity among government critics, the president's Party of Regions is expected to retain its majority in Parliament.

Yanukovych, who returned to power in 2010 after a period out of office, maintains a strong core of support, especially in the Russian-leaning east and south of the country, claiming credit for bringing stability after years of paralyzing political infighting and economic free-fall.

But his democracy and reform record is poor. TV channels, the main source of information for Ukrainians, are controlled by tycoons loyal to the government and they give little airtime to the opposition. Investors complain of being stripped of their companies through unfair legal action brought by government-friendly businessmen. And Ukrainians are angry over perks and unfair treatment for VIPs: Officials and their friends routinely run red lights or avoid traffic by driving the wrong way. In one case that sparked national protests, two of three suspects in the brutal gang rape and murder of a teenage girl were initially released ? because of their connections to local officials, activists say.

Yanukovych's home is in Mezhygirya park, 140 hectares (345 acres) of forested hills situated along the Dnipro River, some 25 kilometers (15 miles) north of Kiev, the capital. Founded decades ago on the ashes of an Orthodox Christian monastery, the park included a government residence for top Communist Party bosses like Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, and is off limits to the public.

Through a series of controversial government acts, Yanukovych was able to privatize a modest house on a 1.8-hectare (4.4-acre) plot of land inside the park. After that, two firms were allowed to lease the park from the government for 49 years. They demolished most of the Soviet-era buildings, including the government residence, and began construction of new houses and sports clubs.

Yanukovych has refused to say who is behind the two firms, but his critics have no doubts.

Mezhygirya is "a symbol of the president's inappropriate desire for luxury, the unknown source of his wealth and the desire to hide it all behind dummy firms," said Serhiy Leshchenko, a journalist with the Ukrainska Pravda news site whose investigation has linked the two firms to Yanukovych and his family.

Seeking to counter criticism, Yanukovych invited six trusted journalists to Mezhygirya in the summer of 2011 and gave them a tour of his official house. He led the men into his bedroom, where an Orthodox Christian icon stood on a bedside table, and then his small office, where he lets his grandchildren play while he works. He also showed them a fireplace in the living room he said he had to abandon because a family of owls had settled inside.

But ownership documents for the two firms uncovered by Leshchenko link them to Yanukovych and his allies and bolster claims that he controls the entire estate. Aerial photos taken by the Korrespondent weekly magazine show that the property appears to be one entity, complete with a giant mansion, fruit and vegetable greenhouses and an array of sports facilities. Journalists who have tried to get into the park or even a nearby village have been stopped by government security agents.

Investigative journalist Tetyana Chernovil scaled the 5-meter (16.5-foot) fence with a rope and a wooden plank, spending about three hours inside before getting caught by security guards with barking dogs. She was able to see the ostriches and photograph the golf club, a large barge made of rare red wood and plated with gold, and other buildings, before being released after several hours of questioning.

Chernovil, who is running for parliament on the opposition ticket, questions the source of all this luxury given that Yanukovych's official annual salary is about $115,000 a year. She is infuriated at the lavish spending in a country where some rural schools still have no indoor plumbing.

When "small kids are forced to run to the toilet outside in the winter, how can a president allow himself to . build these helicopter pads, which only he needs, which no one else uses?," she asked.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/secrecy-surrounds-ukrainian-presidents-home-064146974.html

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Mitt Romney still hasn't given up on Ohio

Romney in Cincinnati (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

CINCINNATI, Ohio?Gov. Mitt Romney kicked off a day-long bus tour through this battleground state by repeatedly promising "big change" if he is elected in November, invoking the word no less than a dozen times at a rally here.

By contrast, Romney is painting his opponent as a status-quo candidate, saying President Obama won't do enough to get the country's economy back on track.

"This is a critical time for our country, and the choice of paths we chose will have an enormous impact," Romney told a crowd of a few thousand people at a machinery company. "We have huge challenges? These challenges are big challenges. This election is therefore a big choice. And America wants to see big changes, and we're gonna bring big changes to get America stronger again."

For the second day in a row, Romney painted a stark picture of the country should Obama win re-election next month?peppering his remarks with mentions of possible effects on key voting blocks such as women and the middle class.

Speaking to an audience that hung on his every word, Romney talked about "a single mom" struggling to support her kids and a dad working two jobs "so he can afford to buy his kids the clothes that won't make them stand out from the other kids at school." He spoke of a "mom and dad" skipping Christmas gifts for themselves to offer their kids a better holiday.

"This is the American character to live for things we find more dear than ourselves. Our family. Our faith. Our community. Our schools. Our nation.? This is a time of enormous consequence for America," Romney said. "And so we come together, you come together on a day like this to see someone running for president. This election is not about me. It's not about the Republican Party. It's about America. And it's about your family."

He repeatedly claimed his Democratic rival has offered no new answers about how to lead the country forward.

"The path we're on?the status-quo path?is a path that doesn't have an answer about how to get the economy going, that doesn't know about how to get the private sector to start creating jobs or how to build take-home pay," Romney declared. "The path we're on does not have new answers. The president has the same old answers as in the past ? he wants another stimulus, he wants more government workers, and he wants to raise taxes. There is no prospect whatsoever that that path will help our economy grow and put people to work and raise take-home pay."

Obama campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith rejected Romney's claims, telling reporters in an email the GOP nominee is simply "going back to the same failed policies that caused the economic crisis."

Romney's visit here came as a new Time poll found Obama leading his GOP rival by 5 points, 49 percent to 44 percent. But the Romney campaign isn't giving up on the state. He will hold two more events on Thursday and will return to the state Friday, after a brief visit to Iowa. His running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, kicks off a two-day bus tour through Ohio Saturday.

Romney encouraged the audience to "vote early" and to try to Obama supporters to back his cause.

"Go out there and find some people," Romney said. "Bring them to the polls. And, by the way, if there's someone who doesn't have a ride to the polls, help them get to the poll."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/ohio-romney-vows-bring-big-change-elected-165524109--election.html

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Video: Is Cam criticism deserved?

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Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/21134540/vp/49543320#49543320

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Green buildings on the rise in Persian Gulf states

DOHA, Qatar (AP) ? With massive steel Sidra trees sprouting from the base of the building and a 9-meter (yard) high sculpture of a spider in the lobby protecting a sack of grey and white eggs, Qatar National Convention Center is hard to ignore.

But it's what most visitors don't see that may become the building's lasting legacy in a region far better known for over-the-top excesses than conservation.

From the sustainably logged wood used in its construction to the 3,500-square-meters of solar panels on the roof, the building designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki is considered one of the most environmentally sound convention centers in the world.

"We want to change people's mindsets," said Ali al-Khalifa, as he led a visitor through an exhibition hall where dozens of ceiling windows helped cut down on electricity. It will take center stage in November when it hosts the U.N. Climate Change Conference, the first to be held by a top oil producer.

"We have to make something stay friendly to the environment. We are part of this earth," said al-Khalifa, the chief executive officer of Astad Project Management which oversaw the construction. "All the oil and gas countries are moving to a green concept to insure the new generation understands they have to preserve this energy and have something efficient."

Green buildings would seem an oddity in this tiny Gulf nation which has plenty of oil and gas and, according to the International Energy Agency, the highest per capita emissions in the world, closely followed by Gulf neighbors Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.

But attitudes about energy use are changing across the Gulf. There is a growing recognition that the once seemingly limitless fossil fuels will someday run out and that these countries need to chart a more sustainable path.

Buildings are a logical place to start. They consume up to 70 percent of energy in parts of the Gulf ? compared to 40 percent worldwide ? due to the preponderance of glass skyscrapers and brutally hot conditions from Dubai to the Saudi city of Jeddah, according to Thom Bohlen, chief technical officer for the Middle East Centre for Sustainable Development.

The Middle East has come late to the green building movement, lagging far behind the United States, Europe and Asia in building structures that emit fewer emissions and consume less water, according to the United States Green Building Council. The USGBC's voluntary program, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, is used internationally to certify green buildings.

But when it comes to buildings in the works that are trying to earn LEED status, the Middle East is among the leaders. It has 1,348 LEED-registered buildings which surpasses all but Asia and the United States.

"Over the past couple of years, there has been a focus on trying to drive sustainable construction practices," said Peter Templeton, senior vice president of global market development for the USGBC. "It is mostly focused on new construction rather than retrofits of existing building."

Dubai in the UAE is home to one of the region's first green shopping malls and is building an eco-friendly mosque in 2013. On the outskirts of the country's capital, Abu Dhabi, the government-run Masdar Institute has built the first phase of a pre-planned city that aims to be powered by renewable sources including solar.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia, though, appear to have even bigger ambitions.

In Doha, work started in 2010 on Msheireb Downtown Doha, which promises to be the world's largest sustainable community with 100 buildings using an average of a third less energy.

Lusail City, a planned development for nearly 200,000 people on the edge of Doha, has promised to adhere to the country's voluntary green building guidelines ? similar to those in the UAE and other Gulf countries ? which set standards for everything from water consumption to traffic congestion.

In Saudi Arabia, authorities have applied for LEED certification for the King Abdullah Financial District in Riyadh, which will be home to the country's stock exchange. The nation's first LEED-certified project, the 26-building campus of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, opened in 2009 and recycles all its wastewater, uses 27 percent less energy than a typical campus and was built with 20 percent recycled content.

Most of these green buildings rely on 21st century solutions to reduce their footprint ? high tech operating systems that ration electricity and power, additional insulation and thicker glass to reduce heat coming into the building and designs that orient the structure to limit the sun exposure.

But as the university campus shows, the region is also tapping technologies that are centuries old to solve its energy problems.

Along with its water savings and solar power, the project features wind towers, lattice-like shading on windows known as mashrabiya and a tent-inspired roof system that blocks the sun and extends throughout the campus.

"When we start a project, we will do some research on what people built in this location before they had electricity. How did they keep buildings warm or cool?" said Bill Odell, a senior vice president for HOK Architects who designed the KAUST campus. "We did that on this project and there were serious techniques that clearly worked. ... All these ideas we took out of traditional Islamic architecture."

The challenge now, experts say, is going beyond a handful of high profile projects and applying green building practices to the bulk of Gulf construction ? such as low-rise office towers or residential housing projects.

To do that, governments in the region will have to make green building codes compulsory ? most are now voluntary ? and provide greater incentives for developers to build or retrofit more sustainably.

The other hurdle is sourcing building materials locally, which would cut down on emissions from transporting such things as steel, cement and wood to the region. Due to the lack of resources in the Gulf, most everything is imported and companies producing things like recycled steel are still too few to meet demand.

"If you want to build a green building, you need environmentally-sourced concrete, glass, aluminum," said Steven Platt, a UAE-based expert on LEED. "Although there are local suppliers, they aren't the greenest materials available."

Those were among the challenges Qatar faced when it set out to design an exposition center that met LEED's Gold certification. With few green construction materials at home, it went as far as Belgium and South Korea to get the environmentally-certified wood, steel and glass. It increased the initial cost ? and contributed additional carbon emissions from shipping ? but in the end helped ensure the building produces 32 percent less energy than a comparable convention center.

"There are limitations for how much you can do," al-Khalifa said.

"We don't want to fool ourselves. We were trying to be part of the system," he said. "We went to the greenest whenever we could find it. When we selected manufacturers, we didn't go for a cheaper supplier who didn't use recycled materials."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/green-buildings-rise-persian-gulf-states-065242703.html

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

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The Killer Feature In Apple's iOS That Kills Android (it's definitely not ...

It just wasn?t that many years ago when we computer users were caught up in the Mac vs. Windows PC wars. That war ended. Microsoft was declared the winner by none other than Steve Jobs himself. Apple?s penalty for losing to Microsoft was to become the most valuable technology gadget maker on the planet, and the Mac is the most profitable personal computer line on the planet.

Today the computing was has shifted dramatically, and Microsoft is spending billions to catch up with Apple and Google?s Android OS, the two dominant operating systems in mobile computing (smart phones and tablets).

Apple has a killer feature that is so good that when compared, Android looks like a complete failure.

It?s Apple?s built-in updater. It?s how iPhone and iPad users get their devices updated from one iOS version to another, such as iOS 5.x to the recently released iOS 6.

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then what is this graphic worth? It displays web traffic from iOS devices in the month after iOS 6?s release.

Chitika Graphic

The graph shows iOS6 adoption rate among all iOS users is already 60-percent. That kind of adoption is unheard of.

The online advertising network Chitika measured iOS device usage on the web to create the graph.

Compare the 60-percent adoption rate for iOS devices with the latest version of Android OS which hovers around 2-percent for Jelly Bean, released three months ago. The previous version of Android OS, Ice Cream Sandwich, is still less than 20-percent and ICS was released a year ago.

Apple?s killer feature is the updater, which enables users to get the latest iOS version quickly and easily, even on devices as old as the iPhone 3GS which was released over three years ago.

The message is clear. Buy an iPhone or iPad and you get the latest iOS version, easily updated year after year. Buy a non-Google Android OS smartphone or tablet, and to get the latest version you?re better off buying a new device.

Source: http://pixobebo.com/2012/10/the-killer-feature-in-apples-ios-that-kills-android-its-definitely-not-what-you-think-it-is/

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Research Highlights Strengths Of Adolescent Brain

Adolescent brains have gotten a bad rap, according to neuroscientists. It's true that teenage brains can be impulsive, scientists reported at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in New Orleans. But adolescent brains are also vulnerable, dynamic and highly responsive to positive feedback.

Source: http://www.npr.org/2012/10/22/163378348/research-highlights-strengths-of-adolescent-brain?ft=1&f=1007

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সোমবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

You have three seconds? Watch this knockout

If you have three seconds to spare, you can watch this knockout. At the Professional League of MMA event in Poland, Ivhan Bibiatov made quick of Mateusz Piechocki. If you're short on time, skip to the 1:30 mark for the start of the fight. If not, see how the introduction and the ring girl's saunter around the canvas takes longer than the actual fight.

Few things are as efficient as a swift kick to the face. The official time on the knockout is three seconds. The good news for Piechocki is that he was sitting up after that knockout.

Thanks, MMA? Fighting.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/three-seconds-watch-knockout-152311229--mma.html

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Video: Libya could be a key issue in foreign policy debate

Fungal meningitis clues may predict who's sick

??Some 14,000 patients who received tainted pain shots tied to a growing outbreak of fungal meningitis soon could have better clues about whether they?re likely to get sick, health officials said. The outbreak has caused 297 infections and 23 deaths in 16 states.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/vp/49509476#49509476

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How much will HDTVs cost on Black Friday? A lot less, says expert

3 hrs.

This year will go down as a very bad one for TV makers. Sony, Panasonic and Sharp posted huge financial losses, dragged down by lower worldwide demand due to the economic slowdowns in Europe and China.

The U.S. HDTV market has also been sluggish. Samsung, Sony and LG instituted Unilateral Pricing Programs?on mid- to high-end models, requiring their dealers to charge the same price. This undoubtedly negatively affected sales. To counter, set makers employed a number of periodic promotions including instant rebates and/or bundles with free Blu-ray players or sound systems.

We at HD Guru consulted our industry contacts, surveyed the best current deals and checked last year?s Black Friday deals to come up with our Black Friday predictions. This year, Black Friday falls on Nov. 23, and will be the biggest shopping day of the year. We?ve listed the HDTVs by size, features and brand.

Before you buy a new HDTV, check out our 2012 list to make sure you are not going to pay more than you should have.

While 32?inches remains the best-selling screen size, the 39- to 42-inch class is closing in on sales volume. While inventories of these two classes are not too bloated, the hottest deals will be in the 55-inch and larger screen sizes as the big screens are not moving as fast as set makers projected.

This segment now has no-name brands competing with the legacy brands, with a number of new entries in the 55- and 60-inch size classes. Vizio just added a 70-inch TV to compete with Sharp, the only other maker of this screen class.

As in recent years, the online e-retailers will be very aggressive with their Black Friday deals and will follow with Cyber Monday deals on Nov. 26. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Best Buy plans to match Amazon and other retailers this holiday season, (with a few yet to be specified exceptions). This could be a game changer and really heat up the competition. We will follow up, once Best Buy?s holiday policies are released.

For those of you considering a Vizio or a no-name TV, please read our disposable TV article here. Thinking about an extended warranty? Learn how to get the best deal and how to get up to a one year extended for free here.

On to our list:

  • 32-in. No Name 720p LCD $139
  • 32-in.?No Name 1080p LCD $149
  • 32-in.?Brand Name 720p LCD $169
  • 42- to?43-in.?Name Brand 720p Plasma $299
  • 42- to?43-in.?Name Brand 3-D 720p Plasma $399
  • 40- to?42-in.?LCD Name brand LCD $189
  • 46- to 47-in.?No Name LCD 1080p $269
  • 46- to?47-in.?No Name LED LCD 1080p $349
  • 50-in.?Name Brand 720p Plasma $399
  • 50-in.?Name Brand 1080p Plasma $479
  • 50-in.?Name Brand LED LCD 1080p $479
  • 55-in.?No Name 120Hz 1080p LCD $399
  • 55-in.?Name Brand 3-D 120Hz 1080p LED LCD $799
  • 60-in.?Name Brand LED LCD 1080p $699
  • 60-in.?Name Brand Plasma 1080p $599
  • 60-in.?3-D Plasma 1080p $1,099
  • 70-in.?LED Name Brand $1,599

More from HD Guru:

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/gadgetbox/how-much-will-hdtvs-cost-black-friday-lot-less-says-1C6577380

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সোমবার, ১৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

The Ideal Mortgage Amount Is $1 Million Dollars ... - Financial Samurai

Talin EstoniaWhoah, that?s crazy! I can hear some of you who don?t live in an expensive part of the world say. Meanwhile, some of you are surely thinking you can?t get anything livable with a $1 million mortgage. The ideal mortgage amount of $1 million is based on the premise that the ideal income for maximum happiness is $200,000 per person.

Back in 2002, a $1 million mortgage cost around $50,000 to $65,000 a year in interest expense given mortgage rates were 5%-6.5% for a 5/1 ARM or a 30-year fixed. Multiply the annual interest expense by three, and you get $150,000-$195,000, the minimum annual income recommended to take out such a loan.

Today, a $1 million mortgage costs around $26,500 to $35,000 a year in interest expense given mortgage rates are now 2.625%-3.5% for a 5/1 ARM or a 30-year fixed. Multiply the annual interest expense by three again and you get $79,500 to $105,000, a far cry from the $150,000-$195,000 you originally needed to make!

It is aggressive to think that someone who only makes $79,500 a year in gross salary can afford a $1 million mortgage, but it?s also absurd that one can borrow $1 million dollars nowadays for only 2.625%! I?m not recommending everyone with impecable credit scores, great financial habits, and steady savings rates all get $1 million mortgages. I?m just saying that it?s now possible for someone making $79,500 a year to service $1 million worth of debt at 2.625% if the bank approves.


1) The law says so. The maximum mortgage interest indebtedness is $1 million dollars according to the IRS. In other words, if you have a $2 million dollar mortgage that costs $70,000 a year in mortgage interest, only $35,000 of the mortgage interest can be deducted from your income. Your tax savings is simply $35,000 X tax rate. The IRS also stipulates that you can deduct the interest on a $100,000 Home Equity Line Of Credit if the money is used?other than to build, improve or purchase your home. Crazy but true.

2) Maximum government subsidy. The home mortgage interest deduction is one of the largest government subsidies available to all citizens. In an environment when all it seems like the government does is take, take, take, citizens get something tangible and immediate back from the government. The government helps subsidize your lifestyle and lower your taxes. To not take full advantage of such subsidy is a shame, unless you love paying taxes!

3) Keeps you disciplined. For those who live in expensive cities such as San Francisco and NYC, keeping a $1 million dollar mortgage limit helps keep you from going overboard and buying too much house. Plenty of nice houses now cost over $2 million dollars for example. By keeping your borrowing to $1 million, you are forced to come up with a $1 million down payment before you can buy such house. You might think going the standard 20% down ($400,000) and borrowing $1.6 million is fine, but it is not ideal. You start justifying what?s an extra $600,000 in debt at that price, losing your financial discipline. I can assure you that everything because more painful the more you borrow: less deductions, higher mortgage payment, and more stress.

4) Asymmetric risk and reward. In America, when you borrow a ton of money from a bank and can?t pay it back one day, you don?t get stoned to death, castrated, or impaled in the heart by a spear. Instead, you hand back the keys to the bank who agreed to take on your home as collateral in case of non payment. If you are lucky to live in a non-recourse state, the bank can?t go after your other assets! If you live in a recourse state, then a short-sale or foreclosure will temporarily slaughter your credit score for 3-7 years. Better your credit score then your private parts right? Meanwhile, if you happen to invest in the right cycle, you can make a massive amount of money when you finally sell or rent the property out without having to give the bank any of the upside! Isn?t America great?

5) You make closer to the ideal income. Based on my article, ?The Maximum Mortgage Indebtedness Depends On Income,? how much mortgage interest you can fully deduct is based on how much money you make. Make too much, and your mortgage interest deductions get phased out. Make too little, which is under $79,500 based on existing rates, and you will feel the strain of the mortgage payments. If you or your household make between $150,000-$300,000, you are in the sweet spot to take on a $1 million dollar mortgage. Be aware if have an adjusted gross income of over $166,800, your mortgage interest starts to get phased out. For every $100 of income over $166,800 you lose $3 of itemized deduction X 33.3% up to a maximum loss of 80 percent of your itemized deductions. Lower rates have moved everybody closer to the ideal income!


If you live parts of the country which have wonderful $500,000 homes, then awesome! There is never a need to borrow $1 million dollars. The standard deduction of roughly $6,000 for singles and $12,000 for married couples is probably good enough for most. For those of you who live in expensive coastal cities, then consider $1 million dollars as the cap on how much you should borrow and calculate your mortgage payment to income ratio, loan-to-value ratio, and home value to cash left over after downpayment ratio.

Some of you reading this have liquid assets north of $1 million dollars. A $1 million dollar mortgage is therefore nothing to be afraid of because everything is just accounting. Your goal in this low interest rate environment is to minimize your debt interest expense by refinancing your mortgage and maximizing your government subsidies. Imagine refinancing your mortgage to 2.625% while making 16%+ returns on your investment guaranteed after rebalancing your portfolio?as I mentioned after QE3? You?re essentially borrowing money for free and then some!

Don?t be afraid of mortgage debt. Instead, cherish what the government has given us and live a wonderful life knowing you are optimizing your finances.

Readers, thoughts on the ideal mortgage amount? Does mortgage debt scare you? What does it say if the income range for the ideal mortgage is $150,000-$300,000? For purposes of this discussion, ?No mortgage? is not an answer.



You can get a free, no obligation mortgage rate quote based on your own circumstances online by clicking the banner.

Free Real Mortgage Rate Quote By Quicken

Source: http://www.financialsamurai.com/2012/10/14/the-ideal-mortgage-amount-is-1-million-dollars/

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Analysis: As PC era fades, good times may be over at Intel

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As tablets and smartphones draw more and more users away from PCs, Intel Corp is facing some difficult questions.

Intel, the world's leading chipmaker, is used to being king of the personal computer market, particularly through its historic "Wintel" alliance with Microsoft Corp, which led to breathtakingly high profit margins and an 80 percent market share.

But in the fast-growing and cut-throat mobile world, Intel is struggling - its market share is less than 1 percent of smartphones, trailing Qualcomm Inc, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, ARM Holdings Plc and others.

That leaves some investors, already concerned about a lackluster global economy, asking if Intel's invincibility has come to an end, and whether its profit and revenue growth potential may become much more ordinary.

When the company reports third-quarter results on Tuesday, one key figure to watch is gross margin, which analysts forecast at 62 percent. While that is still the envy of smaller chipmakers, it has been declining from a record 67.5 percent in late 2010, a trend analysts expect to continue.

"If we're moving to mobile, which is a low-margin business, it's difficult to see where the high-margin business is going to be for Intel," said Michael Yoshikami, chief executive of Destination Wealth Management. "That's why we own Qualcomm and we don't own Intel."

Shares of Intel have fallen about 7 percent over the past year. Qualcomm, a leader in providing "logic chips" or processors for tablets, has gained 12 percent.

It is not all gloom for Intel. Its highly profitable server chip business, now almost a quarter of revenue, is growing quickly as Internet companies like Google Inc and Amazon.com Inc build more "cloud" data centers to offer services to consumers using mobile gadgets.

Shipments of cloud servers are expected to grow at an average annual rate of 31 percent through 2015, much faster than overall server shipments, according to IHS iSuppli.

Pointing to an indirect benefit of mobile computing, Intel estimates that for every 600 new smartphones or 120 new tablets bought by consumers, an additional server is needed.

Still, the 44-year-old founding member of the Silicon Valley technology industry is struggling to find its place in a world moving quickly to mobile gadgets and social networks.

Analysts say emerging markets and business customers will fuel Intel's growth for the next several years but not at the explosive rates it has often enjoyed in the past.

Intel's revenue is forecast to be roughly flat this year with 2011 and to grow 4 percent next year, according to Wall Street estimates compiled by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. That compares with 24 percent annual growth in the past two years.


Many technology pundits have declared the end of the PC era since Apple Inc's iPad hit the scene in 2010 and kick-started the market for touchscreen tablets.

Intel was slow to recognize how big a threat tablets would become, with executives describing them as complementary to PCs - a view shared by many others.

Increasingly, people are changing their tune. Global PC shipments are expected by analysts to decline slightly this year, the first annual drop since 2001.

To inject new life into PCs, Intel has been promoting a new category of thin, "Ultrabook" laptops with touch screens enabled by Microsoft Windows. But the Ultrabooks launched so far have been criticized as too expensive, and manufacturers have shipped fewer than expected. Intel declined to comment.

That shortfall was underscored when Intel warned in September of weak demand and cut its own forecast for third-quarter revenue by more than even the most pessimistic analysts expected.

The release of Intel's new Ivy Bridge processor this year was meant to speed up sales of Ultrabooks. But with premium-features like solid-state drives and touch displays, many models went for $1,000 or more - well above the $600-$700 price tag that analysts say is needed to gain traction with consumers.

Pointing to those high prices, IHS iSuppli recently slashed its forecast for 2012 shipments of Ultrabooks from 22 million units to 10.3 million units, with half of those expected in the next three months, coinciding with the launch of Windows 8.

"The only way it's going to work is if the PC world can achieve better economies of scale and get those prices down," said Longbow Research analyst Joanne Feeney.

Determined to protect its profit margins, Intel in the past has suggested it will not reduce chip prices to make Ultrabooks more affordable. Intel's dominance has long allowed it to charge aggressive prices for its processors - unlike many competitors, Intel both designs and manufacturers its own chips.

But even with that advantage, along with technological improvements and growing economies of scale, Intel may be hard pressed to preserve margins as it moves further into mobile, where processors sell for much less, analysts said.

Gross margins on smartphone processors typically work out to 50 percent, according to D.A. Davidson & Co analyst Aalok Shah.

"We believe the post-PC era has arrived," Piper Jaffray analyst Gus Richard wrote in a recent note to investors. "Moreover, $120 Intel CPUs are being replaced by $25 ARM-based CPUs as PCs are being cannibalized by tablets."


To be sure, many analysts say PC sales will pick up once the economy improves. Market research firm IDC said PC shipments fell 8.6 percent in the third quarter, but it expects annual growth in a range of 6.5 percent to 7.5 percent through 2016.

Microsoft also plans to launch a tablet/laptop hybrid using Intel's processors, aimed at corporate customers looking for a device compatible with business software that does not currently run on the iPad or Android tablets.

If nothing else, Intel's depressed share price has made investors like Capital Advisors fund manager Channing Smith take a closer look.

"Obviously the stock is extremely cheap and it has a very attractive dividend yield, but there's a good reason the stock is where it is, and that's mainly because strategically they've really missed out on mobile," Smith said.

(Reporting by Noel Randewich, Tiffany Wu)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/analysis-pc-era-fades-good-times-may-over-182815627--finance.html

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Guest post: Your Next Bestseller: Tips for Writing a Book That Sells by

Tonight?s guest blog post, on the topic of marketing, is brought to you by Jamie Cawley.

Your Next Bestseller: Tips for Writing a Book That Sells

A major challenge we face as non-fiction authors is choosing a book topic that will sell.

Fortunately, the common availability of information on the internet means you can do a small amount of research to find out if there will be demand before you write a word!

There are five steps to follow that will get you from your idea to a book topic that will sell:

  • Step 1 ? The Idea
  • Step 2 ? Market Research
  • Step 3 ? Target Market
  • Step 4 ? Reaching Your Audience
  • Step 5 ? Keyword Research

Step 1 ? The Idea

Brainstorm ideas based on your own experience, skills and knowledge.? For non-fiction the reader is often looking for knowledge.? This will typically be knowledge that can improve their life, save them money or save time.

The first quick test to see if a topic will sell is to think of one sentence?

By the end of this book you will be able to _________.

If your topic was about dog training, your statement may be ?by the end of this book you will be able to house train your dog.?

For a topic to be successful, it needs to provide a clear outcome for the reader.

Step 2 ? Market Research

Perception can be extremely deceptive, and what you assume people want, is not necessarily what they will want to read.

Do a Google search or visit www.BigBoards.com to find discussion forums that relate to your topic and see what issues people are frequently talking about to see if your idea has demand.

Step 3 ? Target Market

We next identify who our reader would be.? Gender, age range, physical location, economic bracket and education level are some of the basic factors to consider, not only write a great book, but also to market it successfully.

You can do this by visiting large websites dedicated to your topic and then looking at their information with tools such as www.Alexa.com to find out about their readers.

Once you have this understanding of your target market, create a dummy person that fits the profile, much as you set up a character profile if you are writing fiction.? Give them a name, age and basic background so that you can picture a specific individual that you are writing for and speaking to about your book.

Step 4 ? Reaching Your Audience

Once you have a clear understanding of who will be buying your book, you need to know how you will reach them.

Questions you need to ask yourself are:

- Will this person read an ebook, or will they only read books if they are printed?

- Which websites will that person visit to find book recommendations?? Whose opinion do they trust?

- Where do they go daily online or offline?

Make sure you are able to map a path for the reader to find and buy your book.? There may be demand, but if you do not have a clear way to reach potential readers, you book will not sell.

Step 5 ? Keyword Research

We can now narrow down our topic to look at exact phrasing that potential readers are using when searching for books.

This process is ?keyword research? and often gets overlooked by new authors, resulting in far fewer sales.

For your book idea, write down several phrases that you believe readers would be likely to search for.? Then check these with the Google Keyword Tool to find out roughly how many people search for that phrase each month.

For example, 1,900 people search for the phrase ?how to house train a dog? each month, whereas 8,100 search for the phrase ?how to house train a puppy?.

If your book idea fits both those categories, using a title and description that includes the phrase ?how to house train a puppy? would bring more potential readers to you.

By following this five step process before you start writing your book, you can save yourself a huge amount of time and effort by improving your potential for success!

As someone preparing to launch two books (albeit my first two novels), that?s perfect timing. Thank you, Jamie!

Jamie Cawley is the author of over 39 books, including ?The Self Publishers Guide to Book Marketing?. She started her writing career in 1999 and had her first book published 11 years later.

Jamie has experience writing articles, books, blogging and ghost writing on a wide range of non-fiction topics, and currently writes part-time while teaching new authors, entrepreneurs and small businesses ways to promote themselves and maximize their income. She is an active member of Women on the Web, the Published Authors Network, SEO Professionals Group, and the Women?s Network of Entrepreneurs. You can also find her at www.Alotta.Info, affordable book marketing for self-published authors.

A more about her book ?The Self Publishers Guide to Book Marketing: Step By Step Guide For Fiction and Non-Fiction Authors??

When first starting out self-publishing, it can be very confusing and expensive to promote your book.? Featuring step-by-step instructions, templates and examples so that you can quickly and easily promote your book and maximize your sales, this guide can be used by new and experienced authors alike.? All promotion methods covered are either free or very affordable.

Available (self-published) as a Kindle eBook and paperback from Amazon.

What others have said? ?I am a published author on Kindle but the marketing part was always something I couldn?t get my head around until now.? -Pauline H, Australia


If you would like to write a writing-related guest post for my blog then feel free to email me with an outline of what you would like to write about. If it?s writing-related then it?s highly likely I?d email back and say ?yes please?.

The blog interviews return as normal tomorrow morning with multi-genre author Michelle Bellon ? the five hundred and twenty-first of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, bloggers, autobiographers and more. A list of interviewees (blogged and scheduled) can be found here. If you like what you read, please do go and investigate further. And I enjoy hearing from readers of my blog; do either leave a comment on the relevant interview (the interviewees love to hear from you too!) and / or email me.

You can sign up to receive these blog posts daily or weekly so you don?t miss anything? and follow me on?Twitter?where each new posting is automatically announced. You can also read / download my eBooks and free eShorts at?Smashwords,?Sony Reader Store,?Barnes & Noble,?iTunes Bookstore,?Kobo?and?Amazon, with more to follow. I have a new?forum, friend me on?Facebook, like me on?Facebook, connect with me on?LinkedIn, find me on?Tumblr, complete my website?s?Contact me?page?or plain and simple,?email me.?I also now have a new?blog creation service?especially for, but not limited to, writers.

Unfortunately, as I post an interview a day (amongst other things) I can?t review books but I have a feature called ?Short Story Saturdays? where I review stories of up to 2,500 words. Alternatively if you have a short story or self-contained novel extract / short chapter (ideally up to 1000 words) that you?d like critiqued and don?t mind me reading it / talking about and critiquing it (I send you the transcription afterwards so you can use the comments or ignore them) :) ?on my ?Bailey?s Writing Tips??podcast,?then do?email me. They are fortnightly episodes, usually released on Sundays, interweaving the recordings between the red pen sessions with the hints & tips episodes. I am now also looking for flash fiction (<1000 words) for?Flash Fiction Fridays?and poetry for?Post-weekend?Poetry.

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Source: http://morgenbailey.wordpress.com/2012/10/14/guest-post-your-next-bestseller-tips-for-writing-a-book-that-sells-by-jamie-cawley/

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